The Recipe of Me (and you)

2 min readJul 20, 2018

Time flies, eh?

How are those New Year Resolutions coming?

I hope you’re crushing it. Me? I can’t believe we’re on the back-end of it already… What have I done so far in 2018?

Sure, I schedule things and can pop into the calendars and check out photos and different time tracking apps and silly tools to see what I did and when, but all this seems to do is make us feel in control of what we’ve been doing with our time.

Well, it is a midsummer, and you can almost feel it, the dog days of August looming, and the anticipation of changing Fall colors. When the seasons change, I become energized for something new. I don’t need a new year to rejuvenate myself. A new day, week, month or season should do that too.

In the midst of change, comes new. And that’s exciting — something new, ANYTHING new.

Why be scared of switching up your routine, or adding a new goal, finding a new habit — it can only become a building block to your knowledge tower.

Doing is the objective.

Success, is subjective.

The realest currency in life is experience. Living, is an active word.

So, try new things. I’m not (currently) skydiving in Malta — I would. But I’m not currently doing new things like that. I’m focusing on much smaller things, like how to be better everyday.

Be better today, versus myself yesterday. Improve.

Take something from each moment of your existence and build blocks of knowledge.

Life is happening.

Something is happening at all times, all around us, all the time. And a lot of those things, we can control… Where we are, what we wear, what we spend our time doing, with who and what we listen to, read, do. Those things, can become stale if you’re not in a state of active awareness.

I am a firm believer in that, we are is what we consume — no matter what it is.

Ever heard the idea that you are the average of the five people you most associate with?

Each and every moment, no matter how big — is seeping into our persons. We’re taking in way more information than we ever have before.Without checking in and constantly reviewing our sensory flow filter, how do we understand the impact it’s all having on and who we’re becoming because of it?

Love, hugs and high fives, traffic, conference calls, email, abuse, food, drink, smoke, music, movies, podcasts, books…

What I consume is the recipe of me.

Do you know who you are, and why?




“Writing is like the life of a glacier; one eternal grind.” — John Muir